
Overbearing Exotic Asphyxia


Mediums: Oil, Acrylic and Poster Colour
Size: 100x120x4cm
Material: Canvas
Style: Abstract
Description: As humans think that the world revolves around their demands thus being who you are today is not one definite figure but a face of geometric twists and turns into an illusion that’s cracking every corner with a silent scream.

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As a female artist from Iran, I have had to survive and overcome what I would term the “overbearing tyranny of misogyny”. This piece for me defines the fact that so many beautiful women often referred to in a discriminator way as “exotic” have to juggle the demands of society and play into the illusion that everything is okay. In truth, this is a suffocating façade in the face of geometric twists and turns that is cracking in every corner with a silent scream.  The use of bold colours cutting into each other is reflective of the intensity of the emotion.

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  • Vendor: sogol
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