In this article, we want to talk about Why is Contemporary Art Important? . Join us .
With the emergence of radical forms of contemporary art, the importance and relevance of contemporary art is often contested by the public opinion. However, throughout history, art has always proven to be important. Is this still the case with this art? In a day and age where people often feel ‘anything goes’ in art, one might tend to answer ‘no’ to this particular question. However, when analyzing our recent (art) history, there is a genuine consensus of this art remains relevant up to now. Let’s discuss why.

this art is important due to its historical value being a product and witness of a specific time and era. It enables us to state, gain insight and question certain socio-cultural or ideological/political developments, raising awareness, calling the world to a halt and encouraging debate.
Art is the blueprint of society. It keeps its finger at the pulse of the world. With this article, we we will discuss the different values of this kind of art, indicating its importance for mankind. We will present some clear and concise examples of how contemporary art has been important in our recent history and how it still is up to today.
Further, we will discuss why it is important to implement art in an educational context, for instance by bringing art to the class rooms at school by manner of teaching or by going on a class trip to a museum. In what way is it important for our children to get acquainted with art and do they still have affinity with contemporary art? Or, why would one study contemporary art?